About Us
We teach you to train your dog!
The Ann Arbor Dog Training Club (AADTC) was formed in 1967 and has been teaching people to train their dogs ever since. All of AADTC’s members are volunteers who are passionate about dogs and dog training. Our members participate in many dog sports.
With the help of our experienced instructors, AADTC conducts classes for the training of handlers and their dogs in various dog venues. Throughout the year AADTC sponsors a number of dog events at our location, including agility, obedience, rally, scentwork and tracking.

In 1967, a group of dog enthusiasts joined together and formed the Ann Arbor Dog Training Club. Initially, the members trained their dogs and held classes at various locations in and around Ann Arbor.
In 1985 the Club purchased a 6 acre site which is the present home of Ann Arbor Dog Training Club. Here with our experienced AADTC instructors, AADTC offers a wide variety of classes including agility, competitive and household obedience, puppy socialization, rally, scentwork and tracking.
In 2018 the members approved building a new state-of-the-art Performance Building to augment the original building. The new Performance Building opened to students in 2019. With the new Performance Building, AADTC can now offer more agility classes and trials on our site.
President Carol Yarrington
Vice-President Sylvia Roldan
Corresponding Secretary: Paula Evers
Recording Secretary: Kathy Grace
Treasurer: Nancy Holden
Registrar: Pam Bannick
Kay Braddock
Diane Constable
Jeanne Thomas
Mary Westhoff
Past President Maria Rohrer
Membership: Nancy Boggio
Training Committee Chair: Karla Taylor
Newsletter: Diane Constable
Rental Agent: Glee Loman
New Membership Applications are suspended at this time.
AADTC membership is open to all individuals interested in supporting the Club’s purpose, events, and members. A person interested in becoming a member must:
- Subscribe to the purposes of AADTC
- Complete at least two (2) training classes at AADTC
- Attend at least two (2) regular Club meetings (held at 7:00 p.m. on 2nd Friday of each month at the Club building, presently via Zoom).
- Receive sponsorship from two (2) instructors and four (4) other Club members.
- Work at least four (4) hours at Club sponsored events before submitting application for membership.
AADTC members benefit from taking advantage of the many class offerings and services. Members volunteering their time at the Board set rate each year will benefit from reduced class fees and have access to the building for training.
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